Uber Wiki

Lunoria (or Luno) dances in the entertainment complex

Lunoria, (or Luno) is Tiri Kikimunga's girlfriend. She is a Faci from Alpha Centauri II and a dancer for the Hargarki Entertainment Complex in her home town of Larian.


Like Tiri, she is loud, obnoxious, pushy, and adventurous. She also has a deep caring for Tiri, and will not let anything take him from her, even if it means sacrificing herself. She Even lent him her clothes when he was feminized.

She is also an epic dancer and has mastered "every human dance craze since the tribal war dances of the stone age" in a matter of months.


She looks like most Faci's in the sense that she has a catlike tail, ears, and claws. She is bright pink in color, thin, defined, and has stylish bobby hair common in many planets, but considered very attractive.


A faci poses (source meez)


Luno joined Akiti's quest to search for the Starbird, and later became an officially ranked member of the Human-Karkan-Faci Army. 

Luno In Other Media[]

Luno appeared in a few parts of the Nexo Chronicles due to her visiting that planet at the time.
