Uber Wiki
660px-Flag of Utah

The Flag of Utah

Utah was a Crapsaccharine state that specialized in abusing children, promoting extremists, and euthanizing gays in the 21st century. Similar to Idaho in Grandview, Provo had grown by 2067 into a massive prison camp for what the Utah government deemed to be amoral teenagers (gays, punks, anyone who believed in sex before marriage, etc). At the time this was in contrast to the rest of America such as Burton, because they were shutting down such facilities.

The State Of Utah

Capital And Largest City

St. George

Succeeding, Civil War, and Exo-Solar Movement[]

Eventually the US government decided to put an end to this, but Utah's governor claimed Utah was a "Bastian of Morality in this land of Sodom". Utah succeeded again on February 15th, 2068, and fought the rest of the union. By 2070, The Nation of Utah's capital Provo, was captured, and Salt Lake City was destroyed. The expats decided that instead of living in a country that allowed gay marriage, that they would flee to the stars. In 2073, the planet of Christiana was settled, creating an all LDS society, that outlawed Gay Marriage, Sex before marriage, Sodomy, Video Games, Alchohol, Drugs, Extra Terrestrials, porno, and R rated movies among other things.

Utah after the Migration[]

Utah became a state focused on national parks and preserving prestine American land. Salt Lake City has become a ghost town of sorts, as it has no where near the population it used to have. Empty structures have been turned into tourist centers, and entire roads have been removed. Cities like Orem that have been desecrated and all but flattened in the Utah-American War, are now small ghettos where all the homeless have congregated.

Post 2140s[]

The Mormon chuch gains power once again in Salt Lake City, and it became a theocratic city state.

See Also[]

